Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Valentine's Day Challenge - Results

Dear All,

How could I ever apologize for such a delay in the posting of the results of this challenge........I feel so overwhelmed that so many people took this challenge up of breaking the tradition of hearts, reds and pinks to create a loving wish........let me begin with the winner of the two categories......

The winner for the challenge is: Smita! Congratulations Smita, the dolphins and the waves were perfectly executed! :)

The winner for the most innovative idea goes to: Szalonaisa.......Owl always love you! Hahahaha! I couldn't stop smiling at the word-play! :) Congratulations! :)

The entries for the challenge are:

My entry for Pritesh valentine challenge. No pink, no red and no hearts… It`s my first time responding to a challenge, since i`m new at quilling… hope you like it!
p.s. the box is a cigarette pack :)

Kavya's entry

Entries by e-mail:

AB's entry

Winners, please e-mail me your postal addresses at I hope to be able to dispatch your respective prizes soon :) I want to thank EVERY single participant for treating my challenge with such respect and taking time out to join in! :)

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)


Neha Jain said...

i had two entries :P

SUSAN said...

Congratulation for the winners.
All entries are fabulous


vavaly said...

Congratulations for the winners, the delphins were very interesting indeed. I enjoed to partipate at this chalenge and I cant wait to see your next challenge :). I like your originals ideas.
A great day for every one!

Szalonaisa said...

Nice to see you again :)
The most innovative idea sounds very serious ;)

Thank you Pritesh!

Congrats to all participants for great ideas!!

Dr Sonia S V said...

Those dolphins look fantastic.. do give a link to Smita's blog-- I havent seen this creation and would love to read more about it

Nati said...

lovely delphins!!
Nati from Brazil

Coca Matei said...


Artes de Nágela said...

Congratulations for the winners!

Anonymous said...

congratulations to the winners..the owls are cure.. :)

Waiting for the next challenge :D

Smita Satish said...

Thanks !!

MEGHA said...

oops my entry didn't reached...oh no