Friday, April 25, 2014

For a photography and Social Media Buff

Hello All,

When a social media buff celebrates his birthday and the order for a gift frame comes to me, an instant kinship is felt ;)

So, here goes the 'design' I made for the frame:

And this is how the frame looked eventually :)

 In a typical style, I've altered the colour scheme slightly to make it look less monotonous.......

Something rare is happening with this frame though, I am entering this in the Pratvam Progs 1000 likes challenge.

Feedback is very welcome :)

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Quick Video for Using a Mandrel

Hello All,

Here is a little video for using mandrels for making outlines/borders for quilling......

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Send your quillography frames safely - Tutorial

Hello All,

I am sure all of us face it at one time or the to send our lovingly crafted quillographed frames safely? It is obviously safer to send them inside a frame but that poses the great and often confirmed danger of the glass breaking. Acrylic framing leads to opacity over time. Also, glass framing increases both the weight and the volume of the frame substantially and it can be a crippling number as far as International parcels are concerned. So, Priyanka and I once brainstormed about it and after discussions with Richa, we came up with a solution that worked beautifully for us.

Here is a tutorial on how you could possibly do it......this is merely an indicative tutorial, you might need to improvize according to what you intend to send.

When I made this frame and needed to send it to Singapore, the challenge was to pack it with minimum weight and volume gain......

What you will basically need is TWO boards of the same size. This is a precaution you'll need to take from the very beginning. On one of the boards, you make the pattern and use the other board as the guard. You should create "spacers" of a width more than that of the quillography part. I have quilled with 4 mm strips and the width of the spacers is 10 mm. 

The spacers are TIGHT COILS made using 10 mm quilling strips

A representative layout is here:

And this is how it will be in reality:

On the right hand side is the frame (wrapped in cling wrap for protecting it from dust) and left side is a blank board with the "spacers" (10 mm blacks). 

After you bring the two boards together, wrap them together tightly using bubble wrap and newspaper to prevent their movement against each other. Adding spacers in the middle of the board can be a bit tricky, make sure you place them carefully before adding the second board from top.

Hope it helps you all :)

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)

Friday, April 18, 2014

Quilled Name Plate - Sharon and Mårten

Hello All,

After almost a week of now-on, now-off work on this name plate, here it is, in all it's glory :) [Size: 22" x 14"]

Some details and WIP photos :)

And then, an insect decided to inspect my quilling ;) 

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)