
Monday, July 7, 2014

Vrrroooom vrrroooom...........

Hello All,

A very quick post (while I nurse myself back to health) about a very interesting and different frame I got around to doing :)

Profile: A car lover's B'day, and he has a long name :D

So, I got to work. When I got this order, I had a very different idea in my mind. But when I aligned that idea on the frame, it just wouldn't work out properly. So, I had to abandon that and start afresh. And this is where I landed up! :)

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)


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