Thursday, August 29, 2013

Peacock Edition 2

Hello All,

Back from an illness break and here we go - yet another peacock.........

When work has already started but the order gets cancelled, one doesn't quite feel like abandoning it! So here goes a project I loved making and had generous help with :) Thanks to Richa for being a backbone throughout :) This was to be my second blog anniversary post, so a bit belated, here comes the National Bird of India, the second time around. The first one made the life so easy, because I had finished struggling with the feathers already! :D

And some more details:

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

My goodness!! the effort, patience and time put in to this is unbelievable.. great job!!


quilled paper paradise said...

Beautifully done! I like how you chose shades of tail! Great effort for feathers!

Artes de Nágela said...

I loved it!

SUGANTHI said...


Unknown said...

Very very pretty!

Baukje said...

Superb beautiful colors
Greetings Baukje

Christine said...

Breathtakingly beautiful as always.

Maria Rose said...

Brilliant work :)happy anniversary :)

NotMyWords said...

That's a CLASSIC!

Cheryl said...

This is Gorgeous! I had no idea that quilling could look like this!

Suman Pandit said...

This is so graceful and elegant, Pritesh!!

Nati said...


Ananda Sreenidhi said...

Hi Ma'am!

This is Ananda once again. Both the versions of the peacock you made are marvellous :) Infact, all of your work is uber awesome :D
I've lost the piggy so I wont be posting it :( Anyway, I've made a lot of changes to my blog- please check it out!

Thanks in advance,

Ananda Sreenidhi said...

Oh sorry- and the updated url of the blog is



Ananda Sreenidhi said...

liked the previous blog design better :)

this one's pretty good too.


Gayatri said...

Beautiful and you truly inspire. You are truly awesome.

Gayatri said...

Hi Pritesh,
Wonderful work. All ur works re awesome. You are a gr8 inspiration for me. I have added ur link in my blog and will be adding a few of ur tutorials. Do comment on my work. I am a novice in this field.

Thank you.

Jasleen Kaur said...

Hi Pritesh. I've been following your blog recently and your work always leaves me fascinated. And this one's no exception. The peacock as well as the flowers are just outstanding. I'm a novice in this field and would really love to have your comments or suggestions on my work. Please do visit my blog. :)

Unknown said...

Amazing Pritesh. You are just awesome I have learnt a lot from you. Thannks a lot:-)

Christine said...

I envy your patience in cutting all those feathers. If I had just an Iota of it I would be blessed. Gorgeous !! You are the Picasso of quilling..

Sukanya Joshi said...

Its so fabulous !!

I am a beginner to quilling. I have made an attempt to make a simple peacock.

Neha Tulsyan said...

Hello Pritesh.. I m a fan of ur workk.. u r awesome.. just want a help.. if u could let us know how to do the upper body of the peacock.. may be a small tutorial or something, please it will really help.. i hv been longing to make such a peacock but donot know how to proceed.. Pleae help..