
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Fringing flower video tutorial

Hello All,

Thanks to Internet snarls and power-cuts, after almost 1.5 days of making the video, here is the video for how to make the double fringed flower, for which I posted the technical terms (as I thought they should be termed :D) in a post. The video is not particularly great resolution, but if I made it any higher resolution, I'd spend a lifetime uploading it :(

This is how the flowers look:

And here's the video of how to make them :)

The photo tutorial (hear hear Sonia) is already there on Inna's blog. So, happy fringing and flower-making :)

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)


  1. She fringes, she sings and she has a beautiful, soothing voice! :D
    Love watching your videos, Pritesh! :)


  2. Superb... Thanks !!
    very well described !

    For luck we sud also sing same song :P :D Jokes apart ... I sing this song 4 my Hubby regularly :) ur voice is nice :)

  3. thanx a lot for shairing... its a treat watching them all...

  4. thanks for the tutorial.cannot wait to try it,btw you have a lovely voice.

  5. The Nightingale seems to be competing with you.....I FORGOT HOW AWESOME YOU SANG :)

  6. lovely voice too.... i dont speak marathi....but i love 'apsara aali.....'
    thanks for sharing video...
    can't you manage your workshop in ahmedabad?

  7. Not only was your tutorial really helpful but your songs were too good too :) ..I love the way you sing ..its like a total entertainment package watching your video tutorial :) ...need less to say I really enjoyed it :) ...Thanks for sharing Pritesh !

  8. Thanks for the awesome tutorial Pritesh! I have made this flower using Inna's tutorial before but seeing it on video with all the tips that you give makes it so much clearer. And you have a lovely soothing voice!

    I have made some videos but looking at the huge size of the files I have not tried uploading them. Have yet to cross the first time barrier. Would appreciate any tips for video tutorials from you.

    Nupur, Thrilling Quilling

  9. You know marathi ?? I saw the tut twice as first time I was all distracted by your beautiful voice...You sing so well ! Thanks for the tut !

  10. Hey Pritesh,
    It was suhc a lovely, pleasant surprise to hear your voice!!!! Awesome, and outstanding work! :-)

    For some reason, I found a profound change in your tone.....but a very interesting change! :-)
    Take care.

  11. nice video, and you have pretty voice to !!!!

  12. Wow..pretty awesome. I love this.


  13. thanks dear, i really enjoyed and i have saved it to my laptop to hear it again and again. Love u so much. Hugs from me

  14. Thanks Pritesh,
    Great video, I needed this video about 1 week earlier as I struggled with my 45 degree fringed flower in a project recently!!! Your instructions are clear and helpful. Can you please tell me why you left the tail on your tight inner coil? Also, your quilling tool looks comfy to use :)

  15. Yuour creations are fantastic ! Silvia

  16. I love each and every single tutorial you have! And on top of it...your voice and your singing companion are uplifting to hear!

  17. wow. great tutorial! you are amazing!

  18. Thanks for the tips. Great video.

  19. Such an uplifting and fun tutorial.

  20. Thank you for sharing! I have been wondering how to make these and tried to figure it out by myself but no luck. your video answered so many questions for me! thanks! and the music was nice too!


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