Monday, November 5, 2012

Evolution of the jhumka.......

Hello All,

My last post before I head home for Diwali (IF I tide over this storm of Diwali rush at work!).......the latest addition to the jhumka family, a BIG brother to the previous ones :D

Happy Diwali to you all, be happy and be safe........

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)


SUGANTHI said...

This sure is amazing!! Love it!!Happy diwali to you too.

Hima Bindhu said...

You are amazing Pritesh:)I am falling in love with your work :) You are inspiring me a lot!

S.Aj said...

Lovely Jhumka!!

Sathya said...

Wow...this is gonna be my favorite of all ur earring collection...Awesome color combo and make!!!!

Happy and Prosperous Diwali to u and ur family!!!

SUSAN said...

so sweet Pritesh
Happy Diwali

kisses and hugs for you n family,

Artes de Nágela said...

His works are wonderful I never tire of admiring them.

Indira Tanwar said...

Lovely jhumkas!! Totally loved them! SO perfect they look!

quilled paper paradise said...

Marvelous! I like the color!

Sudha said...

Pretty gorgeous. Love the colors too.


Unknown said...

Lovely jhumkas Pritesh..just love your works. A very happy diwali to you and family.

Crafting Aberrigines said...

Gorgeous !!
The color is just fantastic...

Please visit my blog. Tejal started a game and I tagged you ..sorry ! :P but you would have to write 35 questions .

Maria Rose said...

pls let me know as to wat do you use to prevent the jhumkas from being torn. is it adhesive or varnish

Theepz said...


I was thinking how to connect beads in my quilled jhumka:)
Thank u and its tooo good

staceysmile said...

Really like these earrings! Your work inspires me.