Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pen away from the artist

Hello All,

I've been a quiller one year now but I've been a painter for as long as I remember! :) You can take the pen out of my hand but not out of my head :) So, this time, here are some quilled+drawn creations that I made recently.........

It's a busy week as my usual family support system is away............hoping to be able to do more substantial work the coming week :)

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)


Trupti said...

Pritesh, all designs are lovely.


MEGHA said...

very innovative and lovely design's

Syaz said...

Love the 1st pendant..It's really unique..

Teddie Seeley said...

Just Beautiful!

Rashi Bajaj said...

lovely designs. i love the voila specially

Unknown said...

All of them are gorgeous...but really loved the second one.Its exquisite

SUGANTHI said...

very beautiful Pritesh. You drawings are just as perfect as your quilling.

Chris said...

WOw!! Your work is amazing. Your blog is great and I have learnt a lot from you.Just wanted to say thanks a million.

SUSAN said...

you know that all of these very pretty did it very well and so creative.


Szalonaisa said...

You are so creative Pritesh :)

Artes de Nágela said...

Beautiful works!
I am delighted every time I come here.

A good week!

Dr Sonia S V said...

The purple creation is so little one is in love with purple right now..I should show this to her!
Pritesh do give your input on this post :

Unknown said...

Beautiful quilling designs Pritesh..your designs and works are just too good and tosay you are a self-taught quilling artist.

Ann Martin said...

Really lovely, Pritesh. I especially like the first and last; so unique.

iris66 said...

lovely designs...thanks for sharing.