
Monday, September 3, 2012

An Italian Affair and a piggy tutorial

Hello All,

When Editorea Europea approached us for an article, it was just too good to believe! But true to her word, Barbara got back, followed up and I was more than happy to be of help. A special note of thanks to Sarah Yakawonis for the reference to Editorea Europea :)

I know, I know! The tutorial is in, here goes the photo tutorial in English :)

Materials Required:

(a)    Baby pink and bubble-gum pink quilling strips (3 mm width)
(b)   Slotted quilling tool
(c)    Curling coach
(d)   3D molding tool (optional)
(e)    Scissors
(f)    Red marker pen
(g)   A pair of wiggly eyes
(h)   15 cm organza ribbon
You will need white glue for gluing the paper and clear PVA glue for moulding the 3D coils.
The lengths of quilling strips required for the piglet are:
Body – Two strips of baby pink 20 feet each (made by joining 20 strips of a foot each, end to end)
Snout – Six feet of bubble-gum pink strips (made by joining 6 strips of a foot each, end to end)
Legs – Four strips of baby pink of 1 foot each
Ears – Two strips of bubble gum pink of 3 feet each

Stick one end of the 20 feet strips into the slotted quilling tool through the curling coach, as shown in the image. Remember to leave a little ‘tail’ before you start rolling. This will hold the strip in place while you roll. Make a tight coil and stick the end of the strip with a little white glue. Release it from the quilling tool and flatten it out. 

Make a similar tight coil using the other 20 foot strip of baby pink. These two tight coils [shown as (a)] will make the body of the piglet. Repeat for snout (b), ears (c) and legs (d). Use a slightly tapered bubble gum pink strip and make a spiral for using as a tail (e)

Mould the baby-pink tight coils into hemispheres using either the quilling mould or your hands (be careful so as not to spring the coils open). Proceed very gently if you’re using your hands. Fill the hemispheres with PVA glue and spread evenly on the inner surface. Allow the glue to dry completely. This hardens the hemispheres and makes them easy to handle. 

Mould the coils for legs and snout similarly and allow drying. For making the ears, pinch the tight coils into an approximate triangle AFTER moulding as shown in the image. The coils are very hard to mould before moulding. Allow the moulding glue to dry completely before you start gluing the parts together.

On a foot long baby pink strip, paste the organza ribbon in a U shape as shown in the inset. Start rolling using a quilling tool, keeping the open ends of the ribbon towards your hand and U loop away from your hand. Make a tight coil and glue the loose end. This will be the “hook” for the piglet ornament.

Once the two baby pink hemispheres have dried, join them keeping the “hook” attached in the middle, as shown in the image. If need be, cover the joint of the two hemispheres sticking a baby pink strip throughout the perimeter. Allow to dry completely. This is the ‘body’ of the piglet. 

Paste the ‘snout’ tight coil on one end of the ‘body’. Paste the googly eyes right above the snout.

Glue the two ‘ears’ on either side of the organza ribbon joint. Draw two black dots for nostrils on the ‘snout’, as shown in the image. Draw a “smile” using a red marker pen in the lower half of the ‘snout’. Paste the legs on the underside, as shown in the image. Your cute little piglet Christmas ornament is ready. Decorate the Christmas tree with this ornament or gift to a little child for decorating his/her room. A little personal touch to gifting........


Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)


  1. Now I feel SO happy to have gotten one of these piglets from you :D

  2. This is the fastest progress I have see any crafter make on the blogland!! More power to you girl!
    Many Congrats!

  3. congratulations and the piggie is soooooc cute!!

  4. Now I feel SO happy to have gotten one of these piglets from you :D

  5. So glad its a pictorial Pritesh and such a cutie porky! SO proud to know you dear!!
    By the way who all are part of Aadyaa?

  6. I am so proud of you and because I "know" you! This is wonderful news. Your skills are spread across the world and you deserve it!

  7. Great going Pritesh....Congratulations!Keep it up!

  8. I second what indira has to say your growth as an crafter is simply been Amazing to watch and its no wonder people are so eager to publish about your work...congrats once again on this interview and many more to come :)
    I love this cute lil piggy ....Thank you so much for the tutorial :)

  9. Hey Pritzy,

    Congratulations!! Thats such a wonderful news...I am soo happy for you..and of course soo proud of you...well done and all the best for your future endeavors...Hugs xx

  10. Congratulations Pritesh!! Proud of you and best wishes for future success as well.

  11. an amazing tutorial of a cute piglet. though the pics are pretty helpful, can i get a video of basic use of these different instruments? i hav never laid my hands on them...thanks in advance

  12. Congratulations on being featured on that magazine.Its a huge step but u definetly deserve it~ Congrats. and the piggy tutorial its osm. I.ll definetly try it..only as soon as I get my hands on that mould . I can.t seem to do it right by hand.heheh


  13. Congratulations Pritesh! i am really dying to meet you and want to ask you so many questions :D. I hope we can meet one day and you answer all my queries :)
    All the best dear! btw when r u coming to Hyderabad?

  14. congrats pritesh,you are flying high and your tutorial make me feel you are on seat just side by me.thanks for such a nice tutorial.

  15. Congrats happy for you and for the fact you are making waves....and absolutely well deserved.Thanks for the cute piggie tute

  16. Thank you for the explanation you're doing great!
    Greetings Baukje

  17. Wow, great. Congratulations. you are doing us proud.

  18. Bravo Pritesh..another reason to celebrate. Penelope looks cute.

    For those who don't have the mould, you can use a Melon Fruit Baller Scoop Spoon. Not the real thing that Pritesh uses but close.

  19. congrats....great tuts...thanks for proud to be associated with you....

  20. Congratulations on all your achivements Pritesh, and wish you all the best to reach great hights in the path you have chosen :)

  21. Thank you all so so much! I sure am thankful for all your good wishes, support and couldn't have been possible without you all :)

  22. WOW WOOOOW...congrats Pritesh...
    so proud of you dear....

    This is really so cute quilled pig, I love it....


  23. L.O.V.E the piglet....the tutorial is excellent and congrats on the magazine article.

    you must be on cloud 9


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