
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

....still can't take my eyes off you.........

Hello All,

This is a post really close to my heart and I dedicate it to Meg Crawford, who finally brought about the inspiration for this card. Her purple papers (I no longer am worried that I may not get them!) motivated me into creating this unusual card........something I wouldn't otherwise do :)

This card is dedicated to all those women out there (like me!) who believe in asking their Mr. Right out :) I asked mine and well, I am happily married to him, a lovely baby and a life I wouldn't trade for any other! :)

Thanks a ton Meg! Her "Card for a Man" challenge got me going...........and (after a sleepless night over the concept) here is my creation for it :) Though very belated, here is my B'day wish for him! I still can't take my eyes off him! ;)

This isn't exactly a card that involves any tricky quilling or any skill, for that matter. I've used a mixture of sketch-pen, paper cutting and quilling to get here. My inspiration (please don't laugh) was a set of false eye-lashes I saw in the market the other day! :D

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)


  1. Love it! Great job and fabulous idea for the false eyelashes!

  2. This is so gentle, beautiful and loving! Simple but very impressive

  3. Uuuuu..Sexy eye (^__~) Nice..

  4. Brilliant concept dear... Love the finish.


  5. Unique,simple and beautiful....I really can't take my eyes off this one.

  6. Absolutely romantic!! ;) Wonderful idea..

  7. Oh this is just brilliant i love your idea and card its so beautiful!! and such fabulous work!!!

  8. yes...I too cant take my eys off ths wonderful creation Pritesh..!!

  9. Most beautiful. There's nothing more beautiful than ingenuity expressed with simplicity.

  10. a beautiful card pretty colors
    Greetings from Holland Baukje

  11. Sorry Pritesh, I smiled when I read about false eyelashes :) But your work is really, really beautiful. Ideas comes in a strange places :)

  12. Lovely concept! out of the box! very nice:)


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