
Thursday, April 19, 2012

A quick quilled A

Hello All,

I have always admired how effectively people use crimped paper as an outline. I'd been eying a chance to try the same and here I had it :) I have outlined the golden leaves with crimped black paper. A really quick quilled "A" (do I always quill A monograms???) for a really close friend :) The font ia a modified version of Sapphire Sativa :)

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)


  1. your work looks great!
    Greetings Baukje

  2. A looks A ONE-perfect

  3. This is not only gorgeous but overwhelming too.hats off to your skil and patience.You are a very accomplished quiller.

  4. Very pretty.
    Did you print the letter on the red card paper and then quill around it? Or did you print it on normal paper and then trace the letter?

  5. very nice , though I would like to know how you cut the shapes.

  6. Even when is quick, your work isbeautiful

  7. YOu are very good with letters Pritesh

  8. Thank you all! Jezebelle, I print the letter on an ordinary paper, trace on patterned paper and then cut :)

  9. Hey Pritesh
    beautiful Monogram :)
    I really admire your work and actually i have learnt quite a lot from your creations as well as tutorials

  10. Hi Pritesh,
    I love your work alot. Recently started following your blog!!
    I am a fresher to this blogging world and quilling..
    Added your blog to my blogs list!!

    Please do visit my blog when you get some time!!
    Happy Quilling!!


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