Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tutorial triplet :)

Hello All,

This is going to be a long post.........there are three tutorials here! Hehehe, my Pongal euphoria and a Pongal treat to everyone :)

Tutorial 1: Nur Syaz's Zig Zag Petal Flower :)

When I saw this flower on Nur's post, I so wanted to try my hand at it! It looks so cool and yet, so easy too :)

This is how one petal looks (you can join many to make a complete flower :)

Here is my video for making the flower :) Thank Nur, for allowing me to post a tutorial and I apologize if I have not done it the way you did, this is my interpretation of how you may have made the petal :) (Sorry Sonia, the snapshots will have to wait :))

Tutorial 2: Noor Azlina's multi-colour combing flowers

I was so impressed by the riot of colours in Noor Azlina's post that I absolutely HAD TO try those lovely flowers! Mine are nowhere as pretty as hers but I guess, this post can help a lot of people make these super simple flowers :)

Here is the video for how to make these petals :)

Tutorial 3: Brush Embroidery for cards

I can not remember now who posted this video on Facebook but this instantly gave me an idea for using my 3D outliners that I barely ever use for card-making. So, I decided to put them to use in a similar way. In a following tutorial, I will post a video on how to make your own shades for 3D outliners :)

Go ahead an experiment with various version of this (whatever you can think of!) :) Sky is just the beginning......

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)


vavaly said...

Hello, I've just discover your blog, two ours ago, and I am fascinated about everything from here: your creations, the colors, the shapes, the tutorials, everything. So much imagination, so much sharing, u are amazing.
I saw your chalange about Valentine's day and I would like to participate, to create something without pink, red, hearts... I am not a big fan of this kind of stuff, so thank u for this great idea.
Thank u for everything I see here and I learn from here. I will come back daily.

painted princess collection said...

Thankyou thankyou for the tutorials and the video You are an expert in teaching as well as in creation.

Syaz said...

Thanks for making it easier for everyone to do it..Juggling time to teach, commute and study is difficult for me to handle the recording and everything..Feel bad for those who asked coz it's hard for me to come out with this at this moment..

lulu_ma said...

thanks for this tutorial!

Hussena said...

thank you so much for the tutorial's pritesh you have made it possible for us to learn so many new variation in quilling... the time and effort and also the love you put in creating this video really helps a lot...thank you so much for that:)

Shilpi Mitra said...

Pritesh, very nice post. Great stuff. One request though, in the video your hands are not visible 70% of time. Whenever you make a turn and all. :) This is really cool stuff. Loved it.

Smita Satish said...

wow..very nice tutorials..cant wait to try them ....Thanks

Szalonaisa said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you... thank you for shearing!!

Kasia Wojtasik said...

Hello, Pritesh!
I posted this embroidery brush tutorial on my FB profile, but I reposted it from smbd, I don't remember :)
Thank you for all you tutorials!

Artes de Nágela said...

Thanks for this tutorial!

Quilltique Paradise said...

You are amaazing.~ i really love all your work . You give so much inspiration to others. Thank you alot . Can.t wait to try these new techniques .Unfortunatelly I don.t have a comb like yours but I.l improvise. Thank you again

aureliaeugenia said...

Thank you for the tutorials.Very sweet of you.
aureliaeugenia said...

Thank you so much, Pritesh!!!!! When I first saw this wonderful Syaz's Zig Zag Petal Flower in her blog I really didn't have an idea how it is made :)) Thank you!

k@rin said...

wow the flower is so beautiful. And that with a tutorial.

thank you also for showing us how to do the leave. It is much easier than it looks.

Can't wait to try it out.

greetings karin

Teddie Seeley said...

Glad to know that I'm not the only one that has noticed your hands tend to move out of the filming site. I noticed it with the beehive tutorial also, otherwise, you make wonderful tutorials. Move your camera, please.

Baukje said...

so beautiful you quillings
Greetings Baukje
Thankyou voor de video

Pritesh Dagur said...

Thanks all! And I promise I will try to position the camera better the next time.

The trouble is that I use a regular Digicam for making the video and hence (unlike in a videocam), I have no real time feedback. I realize it only later (trust me, two of the videos are remade!). I will improve, that's a promise :)

PMT~ Meg said...

Excellent video on how to make the combed, graduated petals, Pritesh. Thank you so much! Meg Crawford~ Polly & Meg's Treasures

Indira Tanwar said...

Thanks for sharing the lovely tutorials Pritesh!! Appreciate your efforts.

kiddo said...

Beautiful flower! Thank you very much for the tutorial! I learnt so many new things in quilling from you!

Pritesh Dagur said...

Thanks Meg, for your kind words :)
You're most welcome Indira and Irina! It's all my pleasure :)

Soraya said...

thank you very much for the tutorials. They are so helpful. Could you please add the strips' measurements?

Priya Sivaraj said...

It is a pleasure ,watching all ur tutorials and I have to say u r a pro at it, as ur works!Keep them cmg.. just love it.. and sending u hugsssssss all the way from here, for ur talents and the person u r!!

Pritesh Dagur said...

Thanks Soraya. Unless I state otherwise, I use 1 feet strips :) And thanks a lot Priya :)