Friday, January 6, 2012

CAS Edition 2 :)

Hello All,

Clean and simple CAN BE a seriously addictive theme and I am addicted! Hehehe. Here comes my second card for ICR challenge 14. I had once seen Suzana Ilic's Ikebana card and I loved it. I was such a novice at that time that I left it there, never even considered attempting it. Now that I think I could pull it off, here is my version of an (imaginary, of course) Ikebana florals :) [the right side image is a close-up of the Ikebana pot]

I filled the 3D quilled pot with beehived bronze strip and glued it randomly. The central support is a toothpick and 300 gsm green strips work as stems (cut with a tapered end). The tiny quilled roses are made of 80 gsm lemon and sunset yellow 3 mm strips. The 'leaves' are made from 80 gsm sap green and viridian green strips :)

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)


Artes de Nágela said...

Beautiful and delicate!

Mihaela said...

Sweet card, beautiful flower!

Pritesh Dagur said...

Thank you Nagela and Mihaela! :)

SUGANTHI said...

I have bookmarked Suzana's post too. But haven't got around to attempting any of them. Your's look adorable.

Kavya N said...

CAS is addictive!! Beautiful card!!

Isha Gupta said...

Gorgeous creation. Thanks for your sweet comments on my card:)

Dr Sonia S V said...

The way the branches swirl is so cool


Pritesh Dagur said...

Thank you Suganthi, Kavya, Isha and Sonia :)

kiddo said...

Wow, so beautiful and delicate! Love the green swirls and the tiny roses are just wonderful! A great creation, Pritesh! Love it!