
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy Pongal - Quilled Kolam :)

Hello All,

At the outset, my family and I wish you a very happy Pongal/Makar Sankranti. Pongal (in Tamil Nadu) and Makar Sankranti (in some parts of the country) are some the harvest festivals in India. My husband and I hail from two different parts of India and the festival is celebrated differently in our places. But the spirit of the festival remains the same - thanking Mother Nature for bestowing us with prosperity in form of good harvest. :) I love this culture of thanking Nature for helping us :)

Here is my colourful and highly symmetrical (12 fold symmetry) wish for all of you out there.........may Mother Nature bestow on your good health and peace of mind. Happy Pongal/Makar Sankranti.......

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, plea


  1. this is simply gorgeous pritesh the burst of colors looks so beautiful...i love your kolam so so amazing...and wish you and your family a very happy pongal:)

  2. Happy Pongal to you too and your family Pritesh..
    the quilled kolam is so perfect and so colorful! Amazing piece of work!

  3. Gorgeous indeed! I`m enchanted to know about your celebration through your work, we all have a lot of reasons to be greatfull to mother nature for. (I was wondering, is there any relation between Kolam and Mandala?)

  4. Beautiful and what you have beautiful colors, I love it
    have a good weekend!
    Greetings Baukje

  5. OMG, What a beautiful and detailed work!!!

  6. beautiful!!!!amazing work..Happy makara sankrathi to you and your family..

  7. Честит празник!Много красиво направено!Поздрави!

  8. Thank you so much everyone. I don't know if there is a connection between mandala and kolam Anca. At least, I don't know of one but then, the way things are inter-mingled, there may well be :)

  9. Wow..It's colourful..Happy Pongal to you and your family..

  10. Wow....pretty colorful and so much cheerful work!!!!

  11. How beautiful!! I love this kolam so much. I can't stop admiring the perfection and symmetry. Outstanding!to say the least.

  12. Looks amazing!! All that colours... A little bit of sunshine in my home :0

  13. Thanks Nur, Sathya, Suganthi and Szalo :)

  14. Your quilled kolam is amazing! So colorful, so symetrcal and with so many beautifuly quilled shapes! Love it! A little late, but I wish you Happy Pongal!

  15. Such symmetry and perfection!! Hats off to you!

  16. Красиво!!! Люблю орнаменты!!!

  17. superb!Thank you for friendship, for advice sipentru ideas!


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