
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A semi-quilled flower - tutorial

Hello All,

AND less than 24 hours later, I am back with a tutorial! :D :D Hahaha, quilling is addictive and I am an addict, thoroughly, irreversibly! :D

Here is my tutorial on semi-quilled flowers (I had these punches lying around and I hardly ever used them!). These flowers are NOT my invention, they are sort of my take from this original tutorial. I loved them so much that I decided to make a Pritesh-mutant of it! :D (sorry but this post makes use of punches which you are to have with you! Any variations of this, depending on what punches you have, are more than welcome) :)

Here goes.......

This flower is perfectly doable by absolute beginners! Hope you enjoyed

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)


  1. Very nice ideea. In the last time I use more ofen my punch to make flowers. Now, with your tutorial I have discovered a new pattern of flower, a lovely one. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I just loved the idea and the flower!!!!
    Pritesh-mutant....(being bio med backround) the word made me to laugh for a while yar....So nice!!!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing..its lovely idea..

  4. wow i loved this's come out so beautiful.. although i don't have this exact punch i will be able to use this with my other punch for sure...thanks for sharing!!

  5. Simply super!!!!luv the flowers sooo much
    thanks for sharing!!

  6. Awesome tut!! I have a small stash of punches...... Will make good use of the daisy punch....=)

  7. Awesome pritesh,you are on a roll.:)

  8. superb! lovely desi flowers :)

  9. Thank you all, I am glad you enjoyed the tutorial :)


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