Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Yay! Kathy's challenge results OUT!

Yay!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad I featured in the Top 3 of Kathy's Challenge on Priyadarshini's blog. What an honour!!!!! :-) The theme was "Congratulations" and here is my winning entry :-)

Congratulations to the other winners as well! :-) And Kavya is ONE talented girl! She's going to go a LONG way! :-)

Happy Quilling

PS: Too bad that this project got lost in postage and never reached where it was supposed to :(


Shobana said...

You do some AMAZING work! And this is def a winner! :)

Molly Smith said...

Congratulations, yay! The color combination is stunning! Beautiful work and your design is wonderful!

DDey said...

Congratulations Pritesh...Awesome work! :-)

Baukje said...

This you have done great again I love it!
Greetings Baukje

Sathya said...


Congrats!!! Pritesh


Soraya said...

How sad the project didn't make it home. It is beautiful! hopefully one day it may show up.

Artes de Nágela said...

I loved it!

Kavya N said...

Congratulations for ur latest win and hope to see more in the future!! This piece deserved it!! Thanks a lot for ur well wishes...=)

Pritesh Dagur said...

Thank you all! Your wishes mean a lot to me :-)

dorine said...

Congra to u Pritesh, nicely done

Pritesh Dagur said...

Thank you Dorine :)

kavitha said...

Hi..amazing quilling works.First time here n i am totally impressed.
Do visit my blog too:
Can u pls post your mail id id in the side bar so that it will be easy for us to contact you?

Sujit Kumar Chakrabarti said...

Wow! Congratulations! :)

Pritesh Dagur said...

Thanks Kavitha, I have added my e-mail ID now :)
Thank you Sujit :)

Unknown said...

This is beautiful! Congratulations on being in the top 3!

Kasia Wojtasik said...

this is really awesome!!!!

Pritesh Dagur said...

Thanks Kathy and Kate :)