
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Quilling Chess Set

I am currently onto quilling a chess set, a project for a friend's anniversary. I had no idea that it will be so well liked or that there are kits available for quilling an entire set. But well, people are likely to come up with similar ideas with a similar raw material. The work is still under progress and I am hoping to be able to finish it in about 10 days or so. I only get this much time per day to do it :-) Some WIP (work-in-progress) pictures:

The toughest part of this project is to get a design for the pieces in your head. Translating them to quilling is not so difficult (until I came to the Knight). Ordinary white and black 120 gsm paper is what I am using as of now (except for the bases of non-pawn pieces) which is 300 gsm chart paper


  1. terrific much impressed. I am for sure browsing the arts store this time. I cant wait till I try something...>Veena.

  2. Awesome work....Kudos to U..Wish to c complete set!!!!


  3. Thanks Veena and Good Luck with your Art :)
    Thanks Sathya.....I will surely post photos once the set is over :-)

  4. Pritesh, you amaze me as always... awesome work. I suggest you should upload a video of a small project. Guess Quilling is still a mystery for a lot of people. Excellent work. keep it going.
    Sanjeev Mama

  5. Ya, I agree I should make a video. I will need to plan it and I haven't had the time yet actually. I'll do it as soon as I can. Thanks Mama :-)

  6. It's such a compliment that you think it is good Fayyza! :-) Thank you so much! I adore your work!


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