
Friday, August 10, 2012

Acornia Mission Statement

Hello All,

There has been silence on the quilling front on my blog and there have been many of them being this huge project I was on to. To give you an idea, this took ~ 650 quilled leaves (some of which I haven't used) to make and 7 hours of beehiving (the stem). The total size of the project is 14 inches x 20 inches (minus the frame). It took me forever to make as I am not at all a Finance person. This statement is for a Financial Advising company the "idea" for this took forever to conceptualize.

The target of the company is growth and what better can represent that than a tree! :) I've stuck to green and brown as colours as the interiors of the company Office are done in pastel shades of green. So, here it comes, Acornia Mission Statement, completed by Aadyaa Originals for Acornia :)

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)


  1. Wow this is jaw dropping beautiful...and not to mention so much hard work too!! once again hat's off to your creativity :)

  2. Beautiful....... awesome stuning..hve 2 learn so much of hard work frm U :)

  3. It is a very beautiful piece of art!!! Love the way u have conceptualized the growth idea using the tree.... Great going!!!

  4. Omg phenomenal...please accept my humble bow quilling queen...and its such a lot of work...hats off to your patience

  5. what a beautiful peace of work.

    nicely done.

    and thx for your compliment on my project for your challenge.

  6. How impressive is this??? I can only imagine the satisfaction you must feel now, Pritesh, after all the hard work!

    Really love the way you managed to bring to life the concept behind the company. You are an inspiration!


  7. Beautiful idea and a lot of effort! But, it's you!

  8. Wow, amazing amount of work. You did a fine job.

  9. Truly beautiful quilling, love the cute acorns .

  10. The acorns are awesome Pritesh--super darned cute and Thank You for the sweet comments on my blog --so encouraging you are!!

  11. And congrats on the magic number 333 followers!

  12. cute little acorns. and more especially, a well executed concept.
    i thought the mission st. could also have a light yellow background to go with the other 3 things they want to support their customers with.
    ah well, no nit picking for now. this is very pretty.

  13. Wow... Thats really sooooo amazing...!!! Great Idea and your hardwork has made it look superb...


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