
Monday, April 9, 2012

Spot the difference

It rarely happens that I get angry..............but this is one of those days that really get to me! Someone decides not only to post a ditto copy of my creation online (right under my nose!!!!!) but also insists that "I" downloaded the picture from Google and uploaded it calling it mine. God, forgive me for sounding condescending, but I am blessed enough to have designing capability AND lack of gall to post a design someone else came up with! For anyone who ever wishes to copy my designs and not give credit, the post-script in my posts will be in bold font here on!!!!!!!

To the left is my design (supposed to have been downloaded from Google and called my own) and to the right is the dear pilferer's design............

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)


  1. PRITESH ,I think you should frankly disclose name of person,either saying in enclosed envelope.let the peoples and whole crafter world should be clear to culprit.we all have confidence in you .you are talented,self made,deserved artist ,we all know wishes dear.

  2. I understand your frustation.

    There are some people on internet who are copycats.

    A friend of mine had the same problem. She discovered a website where here creations were shown as the other person her own. Even the number of her cards were copied. Since then she has a watermark on her creations.
    maybe an idea for you?

  3. i am really so sad to hear this and it makes me angry too when one's work is copied... i know this is the second time its happening to you ....but the person who has tried to copy your work is nowhere near your caliber... and i think i cud have spotted the difference in a second!!!

  4. Pritesh back to tell you to put a watermark on ALL your photos and especially your tutorials snaps-- some unscrupulous one can blatantly copy/ blog/ even book publish your work .
    Also as megha said it is a good idea to publish the name/blog link/facebook link of the copier so that your friends can support you and it also deters further such acts

  5. so sorry , it's really a shame!!!

  6. Good grief that is awful, how low people stoop! I agree you should post a link to the culprit, that would make them thing twice about doing it again. A lot of people do use watermarking, I'm not sure how they do it but it is probably a good thing to do, but it is a shame you have to go to such lengths to stop these cheats.
    Jane x

  7. awwww, i really do understand you!! what a nasty situation!.. but be above that, you're creative, blessed and gifted person, just enjoy your hobby! hope you don't really take it close to your heart..

  8. Pritesh ...this is awful. I'm sorry to hear that you have to go through this repeatedly. I guess being a remarkable artist means this is a part of your art journey - the nasty one. Try to focus on the good parts of your journey.
    Besides, 'original to original hi hota hai !!' Anyone can see that your work is far above all these pilferers and the quilling community is well aware of that;). So anyone who thinks they can get away with it is fooling themselves. We all know !
    Watermarking is a painful process but maybe necessary.

  9. ndeed, is it not enough that you so generously shared your knowlage! Your tutorials are a great help for me. I do not understand that someone can usurp someone else's work. I am a beginner and borrow the idea, but always cite the source. Recently I made a picture inspired by your work, and pointed it at my blog. Feel free to check and tell whether it is fair! I am very grateful to all the experienced Quillers advice. I hope that I will never offend anyone! I'm sorry you have such experience. You have every right to publish a thief at all possible sites available! I wish you all happiness and success in further work.

  10. Hi Pritesh!! This is really sad. We love your work and its bad to see how shamless people can be. I would also suggest to give out that person's name and to add a watermark to your images. If you want I can make one for you :)

  11. Honestly don't bother!! There is absolutely no sophistication in the copycat's work...the finesse and precision that is there in your work, comes with total dedication.
    I would know its your work from miles away!! laugh at them and move on...
    watermark your images in the middle where they can't crop it..and don't link them up anywhere..why give their blog un-necessary traffic?
    Hang in there!

  12. I've had this happen to me in a less obvious way. The feeling is a rarified rage! I really like this article by Jessica Hisch about Inspiration vs. Imitation

  13. very pretty, Pritesh.... so creative


  14. Hi Priteshji,
    To be honest it really is a sad feeling when you don't get enough credit for your work.
    Also to say, I am just a begineer and from a non art background. So, to start with I obviously look upto you and other art experts out there. I borrow ideas but cite reference too. I don't wish to offend or hurt any one out there. I made my first Beehive technique from your tutorial only on my blogpost
    Please do visit when you have chance and let me know if it is fair on my part. I would love to hear from you.
    I wish this doesn't repeat with you nor with anyone else..
    You are fanatstic Pritesh...


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