
Monday, December 26, 2011

Quilled Fractal

Hello All,

This is a REAL quick post as I am off to Aractic Circle and Ice Hotel tomorrow.........I will spend my New Year in the northernmost part of the globe I can access :D

I have been obsessing about what to make for the Homyachok challenge theme. And with the limited time I had, I came up with this: Fractals (everyone was making snowflakes so I could not and did not want to make yet another snowflake)........for those who are not very familiar, fractals are geometric shapes, which on zooming will resemble the overall structure. So, no matter how much you zoom in, the shape remains the same. Frost is well known to form in fractal structures (phew, there goes the chemist in me!) :D

Here is my (extremely simple) version of a fractal.....I wish I had some more time to do justice to the pattern.........but somehow, Homyachok challenge means a lot to me and I am off to a place with no Internet, so I won't be able to make much there :)

Submitting this to Homyachok challenge with theme: Winter Patterns

Wishing you all a very happy, prosperous and creative 2012.............may we see more and more of fantastic quilling in the coming year

Take loads of care and stay warm :)

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)


  1. That's a fascinating pattern, Pritesh! Have a great time at the Ice Hotel!

  2. Superb! Loved it...
    Have a fabulous creative new year 2012!!!

  3. Great work, this fractal looks beautiful, it is an original ideea!
    Hope you will spend a great time to the Ice Hotel...brrrrrrrrrrr!!!

  4. When I saw a thumbnail the first though was that this is part of giant octopus :P
    This Fractal is wonderful!! Have a great fun!!!

  5. U always come out with innovation and with ur own very new idea.
    Great work !

  6. Lovely work ... Have a great time!!

  7. Thank you all, for stopping by and leaving such encouraging comments :) Wish you all a very happy new year :)

  8. Have a fabulous time at the ice hotel!

  9. Удачи в задании блога Хомячок Challenge!


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