
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pritesh's Giveaway - Results :)

Hello All,

And that day has come! Here are the entries for the Giveaway (a total of  ):-)

Suganthi's entry

Smita's entry

Sathya's entry

Neha's entries

Cristina's entry

Aditi's entries :)

Kavya's entry is here

Swarna's entry

Megha's entry (received by e-mail)

Kathy's entry

Nitesh's entry (sent by e-mail):

Deepti's entry

Priyanka's entry:

Michele's entry (sent by e-mail)

And the winner is.......................KAVYA N.K. ! :) Please e-mail me your address at :)

Congratulations! Here is the picture of your goodies dear

With this post, I will take a (possibly very long) break from quilling posts (I have a BIG order to clear off). Hopefully, the next post, with its sheer scale of quilling and skill involved, be worth the break :)

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)


  1. Thank you sooo much!!! Glad to have participated in ur challenges!! Hope to see more in near future..=)

  2. Happy Birthday Pritesh! And congrats Kavya dear....

  3. Great work. I like a lot first red earrings!

  4. Congratulations Kavya, and thanks Sathya and Mihaela :)

  5. Happy Bday Pritesh.and Congrats Kavya...ur entry is worth it..lovely Spanish quilling!

  6. loved all the entries, awsome work, and congrats!!!

  7. Thanks all! And Kavya, I am waiting for you to send me your address :)

  8. Sorry for keeping u waiting....=(
    I have sent an email to ur ID....
    Thank you..=)


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